ՀՀ-ում միջազգային որակի կրթության ապահովման իր առաքելությունը
BSMI-ը իրականացնում է իր ամենակարևոր ռեսուրսի՝ դասախոսների շնորհիվ։
Մենք մշտապես ոգևորված ենք՝ մեր թիմը համալրելու ոլորտի առաջատար մոտիվացված մասնագետներով։
Եթե ցանկանում եք դառնալ BSMI Team-ի անդամ, ստորև լրացրե՛ք հայտը, և մենք կապ կհաստատենք Ձեզ հետ։
Թո՛ղ տվյալներդ, և մենք կապ կհաստատենք քեզ հետ:
International experience adapted to the Armenian market
and partners with whom the courses are constantly updated
Author materials prepared on the basis of closed information platforms and professors' experience, without theory
Individual approach and contact independent of group classes
Maintaining constant contact with lecturers
even after the completion of the courses
After working with a number of global companies such as BBDO, ADV, Bayer, Unilever, etc., as well as teaching at the Higher School of Economics of Moscow, together with Vruyr Oganyan, a candidate of economic sciences and a specialist in anti-crisis management, Anna-Mari gathered a team, returned to Armenia in order to transfer the acquired experience and knowledge to the youth of the country.
The goal of our programs is to prepare marketing professionals who, after listening to the problems of the brand or product, can offer competent strategic solutions with a multi-content communication toolkit, as well as implement them independently.
Our mission is to eliminate the gap between employers and jobseekers by matching the latter's capabilities to the requirements of the market, and to create a common understanding of marketing in the country, reducing the outflow of education to other countries.
By studying at BSMI, you get all this knowledge much more affordable (up to 10 times)
in Armenian, adapted for the Armenian market.
The courses are held in the classrooms designed in the most innovative style.
1. Metaverse - for up to 30 students
2. Hybrid - for up to 30 students
3. Go green - for up to 8 students